Are you tired of all the crypto hype? Do you sometimes want to shout, CRYPTO IS NOT LIFE!
Me too!
If you’re trying to figure out how crypto might fit into your life, keep reading.
As for me, I’ve mostly figured out where crypto fits into my life; however, I recently realized that…
I want to slow down, focus on what’s important, and figure out what will last. To that end, I enrolled in an intensive crypto training.
I recently finished the Fundamental Analysis for Defi cohort with acclaimed DeFi coach Edgy. During the training, one of the speakers made a statement that ruffled my feathers.
He said,
Hearing that blatant statement gave me pause. I had to stop and deeply ponder what he said, and it took me a long while to decide what his words meant to me.
For him, there was no question. Crypto is not life.
But for me, it didn’t feel right. After all, I named my business after the concept that life and crypto go hand in hand.
So, after pondering his statement for about a month, I found clarity. And this was my conclusion…
I respectfully disagree.
And here’s why.
Crypto and blockchain technology is the foundation for the next iteration of our worldwide financial system.
Even though it is still in its infancy, blockchain will gradually become ubiquitous in daily life. Eventually, we will use it for nearly everything. All transactions, including financial, medical, insurance, and more, will happen on-chain, and sometimes, we may not even know that blockchain is handling them. The technology will just be working in the background.
How can I know this with such confidence?
Well, in order for human beings to function day-to-day as a collective society, we need the intermediary known as MONEY. Our society, as it currently functions, can not exist without money. If I need groceries, the store owner will want a currency that he can use to buy what he needs. He won’t want to trade my trinkets for his veggies and milk. It would be extremely difficult for him to get what he needs with trinkets from all his customers.
Until our society grows its consciousness and is happy to trade love, compassion, and expertise instead of cash for the things we need, money is a necessary intermediary.
Unfortunately, the financial system that has been built around money does not support the many people who use it. As many smart economists have pointed out, our current financial system is flawed and broken.
After the 2008 financial crisis, crypto was born in an attempt to combat the inequities of our existing finance system.
While I will be the first to admit that crypto is not perfect, I recognize it for what it is: a worldwide movement of humanity attempting to create a people-friendly money system.
With great anticipation, I eagerly await the next iteration of crypto and blockchain. Perhaps it will involve XRP and the Quantum Financial System, something I recently discussed with XDC developers at the Denver conference.
If you’re interested in discovering how life and crypto go hand-in-hand from a slower, no-hype space, consider joining our new Let’s Crypto Mastermind group.